Parents Helping Parents

Mental Health Navigators
When your child experiences a mental health issue, as a parent or other caring adult, it can feel like you're all alone. Anxiety. Not knowing what tomorrow will hold - not knowing who to turn to for help - feeling embarrassed to even ask for help. It can be overwhelming.
It doesn't have to be that way. We are Mental Health Navigators, and we are here to support you during your journey.
Mental Health Navigators is a 501(c)(3) non-profit online community of parents and other caring adults supporting other parents navigating their way through their child's mental health journey.
We offer online support and tools and act as a bridge connecting parents to mental health resources. We collaborate to promote awareness, acceptance, and advocacy of youth mental health. We educate communities on mental health issues and their impact on children, adults, parents, and other caregivers.
You are not alone. Parents Supporting Parents
Did You Know?
One in Four Youth Struggle with Mental Health
Because a quarter of youth today struggle with their mental health, we know how important it is to have safe spaces for parents to share concerns openly and honestly with empathetic peers. As a parent, you may feel alone, yet you are not. Once you start the conversation, you will find that many other families are experiencing the same issues as you. There is help at Mental Health Navigators.#NoParentLeftBehind
Navigating the Mental Health System Can Be Stressful
We all need support when caring for others. Your child's mental health has a direct impact on your own health and that of your family. When faced with a child's mental health issue, you may start to isolate and withdraw, feeling like there's no one you can talk to. Feeling overwhelmed is common, and we are here for you to lean on and learn from.
Mental Health Can Be Confusing
Is my child's behavior normal? Is this behavior something they will outgrow? Should I call someone? We hear these questions often, and we know the pain firsthand. It is tough to know when to act and who you can talk to. That's why we created Mental Health Navigators. Talk to us today.
It's Okay Not to Be Okay: Keep Going
Today, it might feel like life is really hard, dark, and bad.
You might feel all alone, scared, and at a loss.
No matter how much time you've spent crying, screaming, worrying, and isolating …
No matter how many days you've spent hoping and wishing that things were settled, calmer, and better …
No matter how hopeless, stressed, and confused you feel …
We are here for you.
“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much”
– Helen Keller.